Forensic Litigation Support: Testing & Observation

Air Leakage Testing 

  • ASTM E779: Standard test method for determining whole building air leakage rate by fan pressurization
  • ASTM E1827: Standard test method for determining building air tightness using an orifice blower door
  • ASTM E1186: Standard practices for air leakage site detection in building envelopes and air barrier systems
    • 4.2.1 Air Infiltration Site Detection Using Infrared Scanning
    • 4.2.2 Smoke Tracers Used in Whole Building Pressurization or Depressurization
    • 4.2.6 Smoke Tracers Used in Chamber Pressurization or Depressurization
    • 4.2.7 Detection Liquid Air Testing

Leak Testing / Diagnosis 

ACT uses leading technology to test and diagnose building performance issues.

  1. Thermal Imaging
  2. Ultrasonic Testing
  3. Moisture Meters
  4. Tracer Gas Testing
  5. Smoke Testing
  6. Water Penetration Testing
  7. Hydraulic Pressure Testing
  8. Dye Testing
  9. Electrical Resistance Testing
  10. Fiber Optic Borescopes
  11. Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)
  12. Leak Detection Sensors and Systems
  13. Acoustic Leak Detection

Walls, Roofs, Decks/Patios and Terraces, Fenestration and below-grade 

  • Tramex Meter Gauge

Used for structural analysis, the Tramex is a non-destructive meter. The meter produces an x-ray of the foundation condition, and provides an opportunity to scan roofing, walls, and the building envelope for excess moisture.

  • Troxler Nuclear Density Moisture Gauge

ACT uses a Troxler Nuclear Density Gauge to measure moisture. The Troxler Gauge is primarily used to detect leaks throughout the building envelope. This non-destructive test measures moisture by gauging the number of thermalized neutrons. The neutron source and detector are inside the gauge, which is placed directly above the test material surface. The fast neutrons enter the material (usually a roof or exterior wall element) and slow after colliding with hydrogen. The slow (thermalized) neutrons are counted and determine the amount of moisture under the material surface.

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