FGIA Accredited Tests

Below is a list of FGIA-accredited Field and Lab tests offered by ACT.

Test MethodLocationDescription
Field Testing
AAMA 501.1FieldDynamic Water Penetration
ASTM E1105FieldStatic or Cyclic Water Penetration
ASTM E783FieldAir Infiltration
AAMA 501.2FieldNozzle Test
AAMA 502FieldField Testing Specification for Windows
AAMA 503FieldField Testing Specification for Curtainwall
Product Testing Lab
NAFS AAMA 101.I.S.2/A440Product Testing LabWindow Specification
AAMA 920Product Testing LabDoor Cycling
AAMA 925Product Testing LabDoor Misuse
AAMA 1304Product Testing LabDoor Forced Entry Resistance
ASTM E283Product Testing LabAir Infiltration
ASTM E330Product Testing LabStructural Wind Load
ASTM E331Product Testing LabStatic Water Penetration
ASTM E547Product Testing LabCyclic Water Penetration
ASTM E987Product Testing LabDeglazing
ASTM E2068Product Testing LabOperating Force
ASTM F588Product Testing LabForced Entry Resistance
ASTM F842Product Testing LabSliding Glass Door Forced Entry Resistance
AAMA 910-93Product Testing LabAW Window Cycles No Thermal
AAMA 910-16Product Testing LabAW Window Cycles Including Thermal Cycles
AAMA 513Product Testing LabAW Window Operating Force
AAMA 1701.2Product Testing LabMobile Home Window Specification
AAMA 1702.2Product Testing LabMobile Home Door Specification
AAMA 1704Product Testing LabMobile Home Egress Specification
ASTM E1996Product Testing LabHurricane Specification
ASTM E1886Product Testing LabHurricane Missile Impact and Cycling
Mockup Testing Lab
AAMA 501Mockup LabMockup Testing Specification
AAMA 501.1Mockup LabDynamic Water Penetration Testing
AAMA 501.4Mockup LabInter-Story Drift Testing
AAMA 501.5Mockup LabThermal Cycles
AAMA 501.6Mockup LabInter-Story Drift Testing
AAMA 501.7Mockup LabInter-Story Drift Testing
ASTM E1996Mockup LabHurricane Specification
ASTM E1886Mockup LabHurricane Missile Impact and Cycling
ASTM E283Mockup LabAir Infiltration
ASTM E330Mockup LabStructural Wind Load
ASTM E331Mockup LabStatic Water Penetration Testing
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